New Hours at The Community Library

Beginning January 2, 2024, The Community Library will be implementing new hours. We’ve expanded our programming over the past two years to the point where we were finding it difficult to fit all our programs into the available time slots. We recognized the need for additional service hours, so we’re now staying open a few hours later on Wednesday night and an extra hour on Saturday afternoons.

Our Friday afternoon hours are also changing. We keep hourly data about the number of visitors to the library and have found that very few patrons visit us on Friday afternoons, but that the last hour on Saturday is often busy. As such, we’ve shortened our Friday afternoon hours and decided to stay open longer on Saturdays.

Our new hours are:

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 10 am – 8 pm
  • Friday/Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm
  • Sunday/Monday: closed

We hope the new schedule will enable more library patrons to take advantage of everything we have to offer. Let us know what you think!

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